tisdag 5 augusti 2014

Tekniska krav på amatörradiosändare

När det blir dax så ska slutsteget provas och mätas upp gentemot de krav som ställts på amatörradiosändare. 
De tekniska definitionerna är inte specifierade av PT.S, istället hänvisar P.TS till tekniska specifikationer hos I.TU via följande länk:http://life.itu.int/radioclub/ars.htm

och i detalj på:http://life.itu.int/radioclub/rr/frr.htm

Nedanstående text kommer från http://life.itu.int/radioclub/ars.htm


Technical Characteristics of Stations

3.6    Transmitting stations shall conform to the maximum permitted power levels for spurious emission or unwanted emissions in the spurious domain specified in Appendix 3. (WRC-03) 

APPENDIX  3  (Rev.WRC-03)

Tables of maximum permitted power levels for spurious
 or spurious domain emissions
TABLE  II     (WRC‑03)

Attenuation values used to calculate maximum permitted
spurious domain emission power levels for
use with radio equipment
Amateur services operating below 30 MHz (including those using SSB):
Attenuation (dB) below the power supplied to the antenna transmission line: 43 + 10 log (PEP), or 50 dB, whichever is less stringent

O.FCOM i england har skrivt lite mer än vad PT.S har gjort:


4(1) The Licensee shall ensure that:

(a) the emitted frequency of the apparatus comprised in the Station is as stable and as free from Unwanted Emissions as the state of technical development for amateur radio apparatus reasonably permits; and
(b) whatever class of emission is in use, the bandwidth occupied by the emission is such that not more than 1% of the mean power of the transmission (not including the power contained in spurious emissions) falls outside the frequency band.

4(2) Notwithstanding any other term of this Licence, the Licensee shall ensure that the apparatus comprised in the Station is designed and constructed, and maintained and used, so that its use does not cause any undue interference to any wireless telegraphy.

4(3) If any undue interference to wireless telegraphy is caused by the radiation of Unwanted Emissions or the field strength of electromagnetic energy radiated from the Station, then the Licensee shall suppress the Unwanted Emissions or reduce the level of the field strength to the degree satisfactory to the Secretary of State.

4(4) The Licensee shall conduct tests from time to time to ensure that the requirements of this clause 4 are met.

4(5) The Station shall be capable of receiving Messages on the same frequencies and with the same classes of emission in use for the transmission of Messages by the Station.